A purposeless yet fun place!

Trux Scribl

Pronounce: Trux Scrib-ul

Gender: Female

Bio: "I can't say much, not if I want to keep my record clean here in around the East. But I can tell you I was raised far to the west of the continent, far from all of the bickering and scuffing around that Amber Blood Territory. Sure, all that's finished now, but I still can't bear to stay in Urbem any longer. There's a ship leaving for Anklefog, and I'm going to take it soon enough and try to make some sense out of all that has happened to destroy the lives of so many people in Tenalp. I'm going to write a book about it."



Farren De Forest

Pronounce: Fah - ren Deh For - est

Gender: Female

Personality: Desperately and frequently lonesome.

Weapons: Sword, dagger.

Bio: "I was kicked out of my home, and now I live alone. Spare me a thought. I have no clean underwear. And I'd kill for a toothbrush. You should see my teeth. I smile and people run away screaming. My relationship status is currently 'available' so drop on by, outlaw boys, I'm ready and waiting. PS. Bring mints.

Personality: Desperately and frequently lonesome.

Weapons: Sword, dagger."



Aqua De Pleurdimi

Pronounce: Ack-wa Deh Ploor-dee-mee

Gender: Female.



Pronounce: Sah- vage Stuff

Gender: Male.


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